Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire PC Game Free Download

In Harry Potter and also the Goblet of fireplace , Harry is cryptically elect because the fourth contender within the dangerous TriWizard Tournament TM. every contestant during this international competition should confront a fire-breathing dragon, rescue friends from the icy depths of the Black Lake, and navigate the twisting mysteries of a massive, dangerous maze. Players can expertise all the thrills of the film - from the Quid ditch tourney camping site to a heart-stopping duel with Lord Voldemort himself! Harry, Ron, and Hermione are all playable characters, shapely once their big-screen counterparts. during this game, AN all-new spell-casting system permits players to feel the magic for the primary time because the controller shakes and reacts with each flick of the wand. Players also can add group with friends in co-operative play to mix their magic and turn out a lot of powerful spells than ever before! Minimum System Requirements: OS: Windows 200...