10 Tips You Must Do To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking

Search engine ranking is very important for every blogger and webmaster. To improve your search ranking give time to search engine optimization (SEO). There are 10 necessary tips which are very important to improve your search ranking.

1. Submit your blog to more search engines and there are hundreds of search engines where you can submit your blog. There are many free search engine submission sites which submit your blog to top 100 search engines.

2. Submit your blog to more directories and there are unlimited directories where you can submit your blog. Search for directories with good Alexa and Google ranking.

3. Clean up your html and remove extra links from your blog. Some blogs have footer links which are not SEO friendly.     

4. Make links to your blog and make them relevant. There are many blogs, forums, social bookmarking sites etc, to make your links. If you want pagerank try to make dofollow links but also nofollow. I help you to improve your search ranking.

5. Make good title of your post and use your keyword in it. Google looks at title, if title is according to SEO then it helps you to improve your search ranking.

6. Make your post descriptive and keyword rich. Also use your keyword in post at many places which is used in your title. This is a very important way to improve your search ranking and this post will called SEO optimized post.

7. If you have pictures to post then make their ALT tag because bots can’t see pictures they can see ALT tag. If your picture is about search ranking then make ALT tag related to search ranking. Make sure your picture is descriptive and keyword rich.

8. Make SEO friendly URL of your post after http://. Use your post title after your domain name in URL.

9. One of the best ways to improve your search ranking is by forum posting. Make your profile and make signature. In signature use keyword for which you want to optimize your blog and link it to your blog address.

10. The best way to improve your search ranking post daily because Google index daily updating blog fast.

By applying all of the above tips on your blog you will see improvement in your search engine ranking.

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