List of Top 25 Social Bookmarking Sites

Social bookmarking sites are very good for sharing your posts. When you share a post on any social bookmarking site then it becomes a link which is very good for your blog. There is a list of top 25 social bookmarking sites.

Social Bookmarking Sites
  1. Twitter
  2. Digg
  3. StumbleUpon.
  4. Technorati
  5. Reddit
  6. Yahoo Buzz
  8. Mixx
  9. Tweetmeme
  10. Diigo
  11. Backflip
  12. Propeller
  13. Jigg
  14. Furl
  15. Slashdot
  16. Twine
  18. Buddymarks
  19. Chipmarks
  20. Dzone
  21. Faves
  22. Blinklist
  23. Newsvine
  24. Kaboodle
  25. Linkarena

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