Adjectives That Start With A

I have found a very useful list of adjectives that start with a for the students who want to learn grammar or searching for adjectives that start with a. Here is the list of adjectives that start with a:

aback, abaft, abandoned, abashed, abdominal, aberrant, abhorrent, abiding, abject, ablaze, able, abler, abnormal, aboard, aboriginal, abortive, abounding, above, aboveground, abrasive, abrupt, absent, absolute, absorbed, absorbing, absorptive, abstract, abstracted, abstractive, absurd, abundant, abusive, abysmal.

academic, accentual, acceptable, accepted, accepting, accessible, accidental, accomplished, accountable, accurate, accused, acid, acidic, acidulous, acoustic, acoustical, acrid, acrobatic, active, actual, actually, actuarial, acute. 

alarmist, albanian, alcoholic, alert, algebraic, algerian, alien, alight, alike, alive, alkaline, alleged, allegoric, allegorical, allegro, allergic, allied, alligatored, alliterative, allocable, allowable, alluring, alma, alone, aloof, alphabetic, alphabetical, alright, alternate, alternative, alveolar. 

auburn, audible, audio, august, augustan, aural, auspicious, austere, australian, austrian, authentic, authoritarian, authoritative, autistic, autobiographic, autobiographical, autocratic, automatic, automotive, autonomic, autonomous, autumnal, auxiliary. 

amateur, amateurish, amatory, amazing, amber, ambidextrous, ambiguous, ambitious, ambivalent, ambrosial, ambulatory, amenable, american, amiable, amicable, amiss, ammoniac, amoral, amorous, amorphous, amphibious, ample, amuck, amused, amusing.

These were some adjectives that start with a. If you like these adjectives that start with aplease consider sharing them. :)

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