
Showing posts with the label Posters

Every Experience....

Every experience you have is just a part of your journey through life. learn from it. grow from it.

Two Important Questions To Ask When Making A Budget

Two important questions to ask when making a budget:  1. what do you want? 2.what can you afford?

Joy is Such An Emotion...

Joy is such an emotion that tingles the very cells that we cannot see but suddenly we become aware that we have millions of them within us.

Success is The Sum of Small Efforts....

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out. 

2 is An Ideal Number

2 is an ideal number, it's called faithfulness. Recovering from a relationship with a narcissist...

I Miss You, But The Old You...

I miss you.. but the old you... the one who i knew. the one who i fell in love with.. the one i knew would never hurt me.....

Consciousness is Clearing Away...

Consciousness is clearing away the distractions so that you can see your greatness. Collective consciousness is clearing...

The Aftermath of...

The aftermath of emotional rape often includes rage, obsessive thoughts, lost self-esteem, fear, anxiety, the inability to love or trust....