
Showing posts with the label What is a Moderated Forum?

What is a Moderated Forum?

A moderated forum refers to an online forum for discussion in which all posts are pre-approved by a moderator before being posted for the group. Some people prefer a this type of forum to an unmoderated one, as the moderator can not only keep outspam, but posts that are inappropriate, rude or offensive, or that wander off topic. The Internet has always been known for its unmoderated, uncensored landscape. No one “owns” the Internet, and no policing service is responsible for controlling it. Instead it is built foremostly on voluntary cooperation both at the network level, and at the level of social interaction. To this end most social forums on the Internet have a set of rules or protocols members are requested to follow. Though the idea of voluntary cooperation is idealistically appealing to responsible persons worldwide and has been a great success, its strength is also its weakness. Irresponsible people can use unmoderated forums for their own purposes to harass, harangue a